Thursday, December 13, 2012

New Group Rolling Program Launching in January 2013

I am excited to be launching a new group rolling program in January that is geared toward the IIN plate and primary food as well as other topics including incorporating essential oils into your health and wellness routine.

Have any questions, click here.


Integrative Nutrition Plate

Integrative Nutrition Plate

The Integrative Nutrition Plate is adapted from the USDA’s MyPlate nutrition guidelines and emphasizes the importance of local and organic produce, whole grains, high-quality proteins, plant-based fats, and water. It replaces the Integrative Nutrition Food Pyramid with an intuitive representation of how people eat and emphasizes the importance of proportions and portion size.

The Integrative Nutrition Plate serves as a general guideline for healthy eating but should be adapted and customized according to what works best for you. Just as there’s no one-size-fits-all diet, there are no strict instructions on how everyone has to eat all the time.


Eat in season, choose local and organic when possible, and eat a variety of colors. Enjoy fruit when craving sweets and snacks.


Vegetables are nutritionally rich – so fill your plate! Go for many colors, choosing dark leafy greens as much as possible. Go for local and organic when possible, especially of those vegetables on the Dirty Dozen™ list.

Whole Grains

Whole grains provide many nutrients and fiber. Avoid refined grains like white bread, white rice, and white flour products. If you cannot digest grains or choose not to eat them, perhaps you’d do better with more veggies instead!


Choose healthy varieties such as beans, nuts, eggs, fish, and poultry. If you eat meat, choose grass-fed, organic for best quality. Avoid processed meats like bacon and cold cuts.

Fats and Oils

Use plant-based oils like olive oil for cooking and as dressing on salad. Choose wild fish, avocados, nuts, and seeds. Balance your intake of saturated fats like coconut, butter, cream, and cheese. Avoid trans fats.


Opt for water as your drink of choice. Limit caffeinated drinks and avoid sugary drinks. If you drink dairy, quality is key – choose milk free of added hormones and buy local, organic when possible.

Primary Food

To complete the picture, the plate is surrounded with lifestyle factors that create optimal health – relationships, career, physical activity, and spirituality. We call these elements primary food because they’re often more important than the food that’s on your plate:

Relationships: Being well connected with others is an essential part of life, and the quality of our relationships explains a lot about the quality of our health.

Career: Work is a huge part of our daily routine, yet how many of us really enjoy it? Finding work you love is essential to living a healthy, balanced life.

Physical Activity: Our bodies thrive on movement, and quickly degenerate without it. Find a routine that can nourish you on a regular basis.

Spirituality: Spirituality can feed us on a very deep level and dramatically diminish our cravings for superficial rewards of life.

Dr. Weil's 5 Health Essentials

Dr. Weil believes food is the optimal medicine. He suggests eating an anti-inflammatory diet. More health practitioners are confirming that you are what you eat. Dr. Weil suggests that the Standard American Diet (SAD) promotes inflammation. The SAD gives the wrong kinds of fats, carbohydrates, and inflammation throughout the body. SAD is the root cause of most chronic diseases i.e. cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, digestive disorders, and cancer. The right kind of food is nature's way of controlling inflammation. The cure can start with whole natural foods close to the way nature produces them. Example: kale is a super food, full of vitamins, minerals, and cancer-protective elements.

Dr. Weil is the author the book, True Food. He believes you don't need to take medication in most instances to be healthy. Just need to eat right.

Here are some of Dr. Weil's suggestions:
  • Olive oil is the best oil you can use.
  • Valerian - a safe and effective sleep aid
  • DMSO - good to relieving tennis elbow
  • Eucalyptus oil - good for respiratory system, put a couple drops in hot water and breathe the steam
  • Meditate every day preferably in the morning. He believes you need to feed your soul as well as your body.
Emphasize the body's natural healing power and many people don't realize how important lifestyle choices. Most diseases are lifestyle diseases and people need to make better choices.
He believes the single biggest mistake people make is to expect a quick fix i.e. pharmaceutical drug or some kind of technological fix. Many people don't want to do the simple lifestyle change.

Dr. Weil's 5 Health Essentials

Dr. Weil believes these five health essentials should be included in everyone's diet.

Essential #1: Iodine

Iodine is a multipurpose mineral essential for good health. Iodine keeps everything functioning: brain, heart, stomach. Iodine regulates all key metabolic functions including blood cell production, muscle function, body heat, and hormones. Iodine essential for optimal health. Many women are deficient in iodine. The mainstream diet (Standard American Diet) does not contain enough iodine. Body does not make iodine. Iodine needs to come from food. Manufactured, processed, and refined foods don't help. 

Salt does not contain iodine unless the label says iodized. Iodine important because it controls metabolism. red cell function, muscle function, hormone production.

An iodine deficiency causes the following symptoms: intolerance to cold, fatigue, weight gain, gastrointestional problems, skin abnormalities, and mental issues.One of the major signs of iodine deficiency is an enlarged thyroid gland. Symptoms include puffy eyes, dry skin, brittle hair and nails, and exhaustion.

Foods containing iodine: dairy products, fish, seafood (tuna, sardines, mackeral), shellfish, seaweed, kelp extract, Seaweed is the best way to get iodine.

Bonus Tip: Asian Mushrooms

For another way to enhance your health, try Asian mushrooms. Prominent in Chinese medicine, these superfoods are believed to increase resistance to stress and boost longevity. Dr. Oz’s personal favorites are shiitake and maitake oyster mushrooms. Eat them today to unwind and extend your life.

Essential #2: Pistachios and DGL 

Pistachios and DGL are essential for good digestion. Relieving heart burn, stomach pains, IBS caused by Standard American Diet and stress.
Pistachios have fiber, minerals. Research shows that they are a good prebiotic (they feed the good bacteria in the gut.) He recommends taking prebiotic before eating. Pistachios have fewer calories than other nuts. They contain healthy fats unlike other nuts.
DGL for indigestion and heartburn. DGL is an extract of licorice, herbal extract. Recommends to take DGL in capsule form. Acts to increase mucuos coating in stomach and esophagus which protects against irritation by stomach acid. Recommends to take DGL four times per day (15 minutes before meals and 15 before bedtime at night.)

He feels that besides poor diet, stress is a major factor to health.

Bonus Tip: Know Your Probiotics

Another way to guard your gut is with probiotics. These live microorganisms help restore the friendly bacteria you need in your gastrointestinal tract to keep digestion running smoothly. Look for an effective strain like bifidobacterium to treat an array of conditions.

Essential #3: Palm Reflexology

Stress is toxic for both your body and mind; managing your stress level is essential to good health. Dr. Weil recommends a reflexology technique based on Chinese medicine. This 5,000-year-old theory applies pressure to specific points on your body, activating channels or “meridians” which help to release tension and promote the free flow of blood and energy. This type of therapy has been used for centuries to provide pain relief, improve circulation, and alleviate muscle tension.

For relaxation, Dr. Weil recommends palm reflexology. The next time you feel stressed, try the following simple technique: Using the thumb and index finger of your right hand, rub the fleshy areas between the thumb and index finger on your left hand. Then, starting at the base of each finger, squeeze and roll upwards towards the fingertip, gently pulling outwards as you go. Next, take your thumb and firmly massage small circles all over the palm of your hand. Repeat the process on your other hand. When you’re finished, clench your fists and hold them for 10 seconds, then extend your hand and spread your fingers for 10 seconds. Shake out your hands gently and finish by taking four deep, slow breaths.

Bonus Tip: 4-7-8 Breathing Technique

Another way to tame your tension is to employ the 4-7-8 breathing technique. Close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose for a mental count of four seconds. Hold your breath for a count of seven, and then exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of eight. This simple breathing exercise is a natural tranquilizer for the nervous system.

Essential #4: The Rules of Raw

Dr. Weil believes that food is medicine, so the raw food movement is something he’s carefully examined. His verdict? He doesn’t recommend eating only raw foods, for two major reasons.
First, you lose much of the best flavor, texture and appearance of your foods if you’re only eating them raw. Secondly, some of the vitamins and minerals are less available to the body in raw vegetables than when they’re cooked.

With the raw diet, he suggests that you know the rules of a raw food diet. Know which foods are best raw and which ones are best cooked. Lots of fruits and vegetables have protective compounds in them that are more available to a person's body in cooked form. Example: tomatoes (lycopene - which protects against some forms of cancer like prostate cancer) and carrots. Leafy greens are best to eat raw because they retain their nutrients.

Crushed garlic and asparagus are best when eaten raw. Mix garlic with olive oil or drizzle garlic on bread.

Raw Asparagus has folate, an essential B vitamin. Cooking reduces folate.
Your body can only obtain lycopene, a carotenoid pigment that protects against cancer, from tomatoes when they’re cooked. Similarly, the carotenoids in carrots are more available from cooked carrots than their raw counterparts. Yet this rule isn’t true of all foods. Leafy greens like watercress and arugula are at their healthiest when left raw; heating them breaks down nutrients and destroys their benefits. If you want to eat some of the healthiest raw foods, try either garlic or asparagus.

Garlic is a superfood that promotes immunity and helps maintain healthy blood circulation. The active component in garlic is the sulfur compound called allicin, a powerful chemical that is produced when garlic is chopped, chewed, or bruised. Allicin acts as an antibiotic and helps the body to inhibit the ability of germs to grow and reproduce. The amount of allicin in one clove of garlic, around 1 milligram, is said to have the potency of 15 standard units of penicillin.
Cooking garlic diminishes allicin, so eat it raw to maximize your benefits. For best results, crush the cloves to release the healthy enzyme. The production of allicin is greater if the garlic is exposed to air, so let the crushed garlic stand for 10 minutes before combining it with other foods. Add it to a salad dressing or tomato sauce. You can also try spreading 1/2 teaspoon on some toast with a bit of cheese to make a raw garlic bread. Sweeten it up by adding a spoonful of honey and a dash of lemon.

Essential #5: CoQ10

Dr. Weil’s final essential sounds almost too good to be true – a super-pill to slow aging. The supplement is CoQ10, a substance that protects your heart and brain from oxidative stress, meaning it blocks the free radicals that break down cells and cause aging. Coenzyme Q10 is made by every cell in the human body. It’s particularly concentrated in tissues having high-energy requirements, such as the muscles of the heart and the brain, which requires huge amounts of uninterrupted energy to regulate, integrate, and coordinate ongoing nervous system transmissions.

Researchers have discovered CoQ10 levels diminish with age, while dietary inadequacies, certain diseases and medications can also significantly reduce CoQ10 levels in the body. CoQ10 is found in foods like sardines, beef and peanuts, yet you’d need to consume huge portions to obtain your daily dose through diet. Dr. Weil recommends taking a pill. He suggests the average adult try a supplement of 120 mg daily. To facilitate your body’s best absorption, take a 60 mg soft-gel capsule twice a day with a meal containing fat.

Bonus Tip: Spill Your Oil

Another way to slow your aging is to purge your pantry of all of your toxic fats. Do a smell test on your oil – if it smells like paint, pour it out and get rid of it!

Bonus Tip: Natural Fatigue Fighters

The next time you’re extra exhausted, turn to Mother Nature. These healing remedies from Dr. Weil’s trusted colleague, Dr. Tieraona Low Dog, can fight fatigue and restore your zest for life.

Golden Root

Also known as rhodiola or arctic root, this plant has been used since ancient times to treat fatigue. Studies have really shown that golden root improves mental concentration, physical endurance and helps with general chronic fatigue.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Essential Oil Tip: Wintergreen (December Special) 
Wintergreen is one of my favorite breath fresheners.  Simply use 1 drop of Wintergreen on the tongue in the place of gum.
Physical Healing:
  • Arthritic pain, bone pain, bone spurs, cartilage injury, dandruff, frozen shoulder, joint pain, muscle development, muscle tone, pain, rotator cuff (sore) - from Modern Essentials  
Emotional Healing

"Wintergreen is the oil of surrender. See more in Emotions & Essential Oils by Enlighten

What are your health goals for 2013

With 2012 winding down, have you accomplished the goals you wanted for your health and lifestyle?

Reflect on these questions.

What do you really want for your health? 
Where do you see yourself in the future?
What’s stopping you from achieving this?
What will happen if you don’t fix this problem
What will happen in 3-6 mos from now if nothing changes?
Is now the time to change this for good?

If your answer is I don’t know, I will be able to find out more from a FREE 30-minute Fresh Start Strategy Session.  Click here to register for a free session now!

December Special

If you have been thinking about using essential oils to improve your and your family's health  because 1) they are amazing and 2) its a great way to make some extra income, now is definitely the time to do it. .
For details on how to claim your free 15mL Frankincense this month, click here.

Why Frankincense?

Physical Attributes: Alzheimer's disease, aneurysm, arthritis, asthma, balance, brain aging/injury, breathing, cancer, coma, concussion, confusion, coughs, depression, fibroids, genital warts, hepatitis, immune system support, improve vision, infected wounds, inflammation, liver cirrhosis, Lou Gehrig's disease, memory, mental fatigue, miscarriage (after), moles, MRSA, Multiple Sclerosis, nasal polyp, Parkinson's disease, plague, postpartum depression, scarring (prevention), tumor (lipoma), ulcers, uterus tissue regeneration, virus of nerves, warts, wrinkles - from Modern Essentials   

Emotional Attributes:

"Frankincense is the oil of truth, revealing deceptions and false truths.  It invites the individual to let go of lower vibrations, lies, and negativity. This oil helps create new perspectives based on light and truth.  Frankincense recalls to memory spiritual understanding, gifts, wisdom and knowledge the soul brought into the world.  It is a powerful cleanser of spiritual darkness. Frankincense assists in pulling the "scales of darkness" from the eyes, the barriers from the mind, and the walls from the heart.  Through connecting the soul with its inner light, this oil reveals the truth.  Addresses emotions of abandonment, spiritually disconnected, distant from father, unprotected." from Emotions & Essential Oils by Enlighten

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Raw Cacao Peppermint Patties


Are you worried about gaining weight during the holidays? There is no need to skip the dessert table! As an alternative, indulge sensibly this holiday season with healthier versions of your favorite sweets...yummy raw cacao or healthy chocolate!!

If you are going to a party, having one of your own, or just craving something sweet, these Raw Cacao Peppermint Patties are the perfect treat to enjoy so you aren’t tempted to reach for the sugar laden goodies that are likely to fill up the dessert table!


1/2 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup agave nectar or pure maple syrup
1/2 teaspoon peppermint oil
1/2 to 1 cup raw cacao paste or high quality dark chocolate chips


1. In a small bowl, combine coconut oil, agave nectar, and peppermint oil.

2. Freeze mixture for approximately 10 minute or until the mixture begins to harden. Use a small ice cream scoop or tablespoon to measure out balls on a parchment lined plate. Place in freezer until balls begin to firm up for another 5-10 minutes.

3. Melt raw cacao paste using a double boiler. Remove from heat.

4. Remove firm mint balls from freezer and flatten into patties using spoon. Quickly dip mint patties into melted chocolate using spoon. Cover patties completely with chocolate and place on parchment lined plate.

5. Leave out for about 10 minutes until patties harden. Store in the freezer.

Photo Credit: Reboot Your Life

Gourmet Peppermint Bark

Gourmet Peppermint Bark

With holiday parties and festivities on the scene, this refreshing treat is sure to be a crowd-pleaser!  What's the secret ingredient?  Peppermint Essential Oil of course!  But, that's not all, there's another hidden delight found within every bite.

  • 1 pound white chocolate chopped (do not use chips)  
  • 1 peppermint log or 1 (7.5 oz) package hard peppermint candies 
  • 2 cups puffed rice cereal - organic if possible
  • 3-5 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 1/4 cup dark chocolate chopped 
  1. Use parchment paper on a baking sheet or grease a baking sheet with with nonstick cooking spray; cover with wax paper 
  2. Place candies in a doubled reusable plastic bag & seal
  3. Using a rolling pin or meat hammer, crush candies into small pieces
  4. Place white chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over (not in) a saucepan of simmering water, stirring occasionally until smooth (4-6 min.) or melt in microwave at 50% power in 1 min.-30 sec. increments, check often and stir until all melted  
  5. Remove from heat & stir in peppermint oil 
  6. Add rice cereal & peppermint candies (can reserve a little to sprinkle over top to decorate after) 
  7. Pour mixture onto prepared pan/baking sheet; using a spatula, spread evenly to a 1/4 inch thickness
  8. Melt & drizzle dark chocolate over the top
  9. Cool in a cool place until firm
  10. Peel off wax paper, breaking bark into 2-inch pieces
  11. Store in an airtight container in a cool place up to 1 week