Friday, July 26, 2013

Top Reasons to Eat Fermented Foods

What are fermented foods?

You have probably heard of sauerkraut and kimchee. These are examples of fermented foods, but beware if you are buying these straight from the shelf at the supermarket. Store bought fermented foods often contain high doses of salt. They also tend to be completely over processed and are also usually pasteurized, which means they have been prepared at high temperatures that kill all the goodness that properly fermented foods provide. What you want to look for is raw fermented foods. An example of raw fermented foods is cultured vegetables that are left in airtight jars at room temperature for several days. Commonly, the vegetable used for this is cabbage, but you might also find it mixed with carrots or beets or radishes and other vegetables which can be used as ferments too.

Examples of traditionally fermented foods that naturally contain probiotics include:

• Fermented dairy: Kefir, yogurt, cheese, buttermilk, and sour cream.
• Fermented vegetables: Sauerkraut, kimchee, and dill pickles.
• Fermented soy: Miso, tempeh, and natto.

Why eat fermented foods?

When vegetables have been fermented, they become even more nutritious. The healthy enzymes which are present in the vegetables flourish when fermented, and create an environment that is full of probiotics, enzymes and minerals which are important for a healthy body. The probiotic good bacteria and enzymes in fermented foods help to populate our gut and intestines with lactobacilli which are really important for healthy digestion.

They also help to eliminate toxins from our body, so eating them will allow your intestines to detox which is a really good thing! Raw, cultured vegetables are really potent in terms of helping your body to operate efficiently. When your body is working the way it should, then you will not only feel great, but you will look beautiful too. Eating fermented vegetables will also help with weight loss and lead to more energy, as well as balance out the pH levels of your body.

When everything is working as it should, you will find your immunity is boosted from having a healthy gut and you will start to really feel cleaner. It is important to eat fermented foods regularly to really experience all the amazing health benefits that were mentioned above.

The great thing is that they are easy to eat with just about anything. It is recommended to get into the habit of adding them to your salads or even just having them as a side to other dishes you eat. They are particularly good to eat paired with starches and proteins, as it will help you to digest these foods better.

Top reasons to eat fermented foods

1. Fermented foods improve digestion.

2. Fermented foods restore the proper balance of bacteria in the gut. These health ailments (lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, yeast infections, allergies, and asthma) have been linked to a lack of good bacteria in the gut.

3. Raw, fermented foods are rich in enzymes. Your body needs enzymes to properly digest, absorb, and make full use of your food. As you age, your body’s supply of enzymes decreases.

4. Fermenting food actually increases the vitamin content.

5. Eating fermented food helps us to absorb the nutrients we’re consuming. You can ingest huge amounts of nutrients, but unless you actually absorb them, they’re useless to you. When you improve digestion, you improve absorption.

6. Fermenting food helps to preserve it for longer periods of time. These fermented foods ie sauerkraut, pickles and salsa will keep for months. A suggestion: if you have a huge batch of produce in your garden that you don’t know how to use up, ferment it!

7. Fermenting food is inexpensive. There’s nothing fancy required for this hobby. And many of the foods required to make these recipes are very cheap. You can use inexpensive cabbage to make sauerkraut, or get yourself a kombucha scoby and with a little water, sweetener and tea, you have a health elixir.

8. Fermenting food increases the flavor.

How to Incorporate More Fermented Foods Into Your Diet

Drink fermented beverages. Kefir and kombucha are available at many health food stores. They’re also very easy to make at home. Serve food with pickles, sauerkraut, salsa, ketchup, sour cream, kim chi, mayonnaise and other naturally fermented condiments. You can buy naturally fermented condiments at health food stores or make your own. Get creative and experiment! Try making kefir ice cream, sourdough crackers, fermented coconut milk, mead (honey wine), Eat some Japanese natto with rice.

How to Ferment Your Own Foods

It’s easy to get started with fermentation. You just need some starter cultures and some mason jars.

1. Start with a cabbage or cucumber. Shred the cabbage in the food processor or slice it finely with a knife. Add this mixture to a bowl and start to massage the cabbage with your hands. If there is some liquid that appears this is good! Next, make brine from blending water and unpasteurized miso paste. Use about 4 cups of water and 1 tablespoon of miso as a good quantity for a medium-sized cabbage. Pour the brine over the cabbage and mix well.

2. Next fill the mixture into a jar, and squash it down so that the cabbage is tightly packed. Leave some space at the top of the jar, as the cabbage mixture will expand. Fill the space between the top of the mixture and the rim of the jar with rolled outer cabbage leaves. Now seal the jar and leave at room temperature for 5 days.

3. After 5 days, remove the top cabbage leaves and throw them away, then put the jar into the fridge. If you have a scum or bubbles at the top, this is great! These are a sign of the healthy probiotics being present in the ferment. You can start eating some of the fermented cabbage once you put the jar into the refrigerator and enjoy!


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Toxic Overload Got You Run Down?

Toxic Overload Got You Run Down?

Break the Cycle of Toxins and Stress - Join Jordan Rubin This Thursday Night To Find Out How!

Are you "running on empty" these days? Pressure of life leaving you fatigued, sluggish, or disoriented? Do you have cravings for the "wrong kinds of snacks" or that extra cup of coffee in the afternoon? Does you body (mind and spirit) feel overloaded?

Like on Facebook Then join Jordan Thursday night at 8pm EST as he launches his new campaign to help YOU break the vicious cycle of toxins and stress!

WHO: You, and everyone you know and love that deals with either TOXINS or STRESS. WHEN: Thursday Night July 25th, 8pm EST WHERE: Your phone and/or the internet! CONFERENCE CALL DIAL IN: 805-399-1200 code: 130514#

Essential Oils for Your Home

Concerned that your cleansers aren’t so clean? The labels of many mainstream home products like spray disinfectants, hand soaps, and toothpastes reveal toxic ingredients that a growing body of research indicates may be harmful even in small amounts. Think your family deserves better?

Young Living’s Home category offers safe, essential oil-infused alternatives for products you use every day. Fill your home with cleaning and dental care products you can feel good about, plus natural, healthful additions to your spice cabinet, cookware collection, first aid kit, and more.

Oral Care Smile your brightest with products formulated to help you keep your teeth healthy, and free from harmful mystery chemicals: Thieves® Dental Floss Dentarome™ Toothpastes Thieves® Fresh Essence™ mouthwash Healthy Cooking Looking to add variety and flavor to your cooking? Make room for essential oils in your spice cabinet! Their rich, bright aromas can add a delicious kick of flavor to your favorite recipes. Try adding a drop or two of lime to fresh salsa or to your favorite Mexican-inspired marinade, lemon to grilled fish, peppermint to hot cocoa, or basil and oregano to homemade pasta sauce.

Get creative and enjoy all the culinary possibilities of essential oils. Popular essential oils for cooking include: Peppermint Basil Lemon Nutmeg While certain essential oils can be harmful if taken in high dosages, moderate use as flavoring (a few drops per person) is not only safe but delicious! To help you retain the nutrients and flavor in your food, we also offer premium titanium cookware designed to be nonstick, long-lasting, even-heating, and scratch-free. Preserve the juiciness, nutrition, and enzymes of the food you cook—all without the toxic nonstick coating. View our line of high quality cookware here .You will never want to use conventional cookware again. Natural Cleaning Forget conventional cleansers formulated with harsh chemicals; safe, effective alternatives are easy to make and use. Alongside our line of Thieves® products, you may also want to try using essential oils in your laundry, and for cleaning countertops, freshening stale linens, removing stubborn stains, and much, much more.

Young Living’s most popular essential oils for cleaning include: Lavender essential oil Lemon essential oil Pine essential oil Cinnamon essential oil Thieves® essential oil blend Purification™ essential oil blend Home Purification Keep your home smelling fresh and clear of stale air with healthful air purifying solutions. Our top three diffusers—Aria™, Therapro™, and the redesigned Home Diffuser—make it easy and convenient to purify the air in your home without chemical-laden aerosol fresheners. Simply add 10-20 drops of Thieves®, Peace & Calming, or Purification to your diffuser and allow these clean, refreshing scents to fill your home. Natural Protection Your busy life has no room for sick days. Essential oils offer ideal natural support for a stressed immune system, and our effective formulas can help you maintain the cold season wellness you need to keep working, playing, and caring for your family. Support your body with these immune-supporting favorites: R.C™ essential oil blend Thieves® essential oil blend Thieves® Hand Purifier Breathe Again™ essential oil blend Inner Defense™ Pets

Your pets are members of the family too! Give them the same effective, chemical-free care that your whole family deserves with two great products formulated just for your pets’ fur and skin: Animal Scents™ Ointment Animal Scents™ Shampoo Family Health A well-stocked collection of reliable home remedies is a must for every home. Be sure to keep on hand the essential oils that can help make all the difference if a family member is injured or feeling unwell. Add these first aid favorites to your collection: Lavender Peppermint Thieves® essential oil blend Frankincense R.C.™ PanAway™

Shaline Miller Young Living Consultant Id 71857

Thursday, May 9, 2013

How grounding can improve your health

Did you know that the Earth's energy is crucial for good health?

Have you ever felt the urge to walk barefoot on the beach or feel the grass between your toes? As it turns out, this urge goes much deeper than simply feeling good. It has been repeatedly demonstrated that there is a significant electrical interaction between the Earth and each one of us.

When we make direct contact to the surface of the Earth our body receives a charge of energy that makes us feel better.  This process is called grounding or Earthing.
Throughout history people were naturally observing the Earth's energy. In today's world we spend a lot of time indoors. When we do go outside, we usually wear shoes which prevent us from connecting to the Earth. 

Earth has a negative charge. This means that it has an abundance of electrons. This charge does not interact with us too often since we live in insulated buildings and wear insulated footwear. Simply put, we rarely touch the ground!

Why touching the ground does matter

Humans evolved, like all animals, walking on the ground without insulating barriers between the Earth and our feet. It is common knowledge that the soles of our feet are extremely sensitive due to a high concentration of nerve endings. Since nerve tissue is electrically conductive, it is easy to understand that the bottoms of our feet are highly conductive surfaces.

There are two key reasons why this electrical connection is important:

First, the Earth is a massive reservoir of negatively charged free electrons.  Without a connection to this reservoir, the cells in our body are unable to balance the positive charge which results from things like electron-deficient free radicals.  The effect of excess positive charge in the blood can be seen very clearly by the way in which the cells are attracted to clump together.

Second, today's environment is full of a wide spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, ranging from computers, cell phones, radio & TV broadcasts, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, domestic wiring, and other electrical appliances to power lines.  This electromagnetic radiation induces voltages in our bodies, disrupting the subtle electrical communications which are a vital part of the function of our body's systems.  By being grounded to the Earth we greatly reduce the levels of these induced voltages, as we are then effectively shielded by the Earth's large electrical mass.

Unfortunately, with our modern rubber or plastic soled shoes and insulated sleeping arrangements, we no longer have a natural electrical connection to the Earth, unless walking barefoot.

The Effects of Grounding

The most immediately noticeable effect people report from being grounded is that they feel better i.e. improved circulation, better sleep.  This has been described as a feeling of greater peace within themselves, feeling calmer with reduced stress levels.  If there is pain present then often this is reduced or disappears completely.
People who notice negative effects from using computers or other electrical equipment report a reduction or elimination of these effects when grounded.
With regular grounding, several health benefits have been observed, such as:
  • Improved immune function
  • Improved digestion
  • Improved sleep
  • Rapid healing of injuries
  • Improved blood circulation
  • Harmonization and stabilization of the body's basic biological rhythms
  • Accelerated recovery from intense athletic activity
  • Reduction of inflammation
  • Reduced stress / anxiety / irritability
  • Reduced electro sensitivity
Because of the conductivity of our soles, it was proposed that perhaps there was an electrical interaction between the Earth's negative charge and our bodies.

Researchers found that there was a significant relation between the charge of our bodies and the ground. It has been determined that the Earth acts as a natural reservoir of electric energy. If a person with an excessive negative charge, or an excess of electrons, steps onto the ground, the excess will be absorbed into the Earth. If a person has a positive charge, or a deficiency of electrons, then the Earth will supply what is needed to achieve homeostasis (balance). This is a truly amazing discovery: stepping on the ground electrically balances you!

Why grounding is significant

During the past twenty years, we have witnessed an explosion of research conducted on human physiology and disease. What has been discovered has prompted almost global awareness of the importance of antioxidants and the process of oxidation. Oxidation, literally the same process of iron rusting, has been found to greatly contribute to aging and the formation of disease.

The culprits are "free radicals." A free radical is a molecule that has become unstable because of the lack of an electron. Free radicals will 'take' electrons from other molecules in order to become stable, but in the process they produce more free radicals. In time, free radicals can damage any tissue and lead to aging and disease.

Free radicals form in our bodies naturally as a byproduct of stress, environmental & dietary toxins and natural metabolic processes. Nature's solution to free radicals is anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants are substances that help put a stop to oxidation by providing the missing electrons to free radicals without becoming free radicals themselves.

Thanks to the progress of science, we now better understand that related to oxidation is the natural process of inflammation. Inflammation, called "the silent killer," is the leading theory on the underlying cause of many diseases (such as cancer and heart disease). The problem of inflammation lies not in a scarcity of electrons, as in oxidation, but in an excess of electrons.

How to be Grounded and Balanced

The simplest way to be grounded is to go outside and place your bare feet or hands on some grass or earth, or to immerse yourself in a body of conductive water such as the sea or a mineral-rich lake.

When indoors, an Earth connection can be made by driving a metal rod into the ground outside, running a wire from the rod, and then connecting it to ourselves.

This may sound like a lot of hassle, but fortunately the majority of domestic electrical systems in the world already have such a rod and wire running indoors, connecting to the 'earth' pin on every mains electrical outlet.  And rather than having to connect a wire to ourselves, a variety of products have been developed, such as earthing sheets, mats, bands, and patches.

If you would like more information on Earthing, refer to Clint Ober's book, "Earthing: The most important health discovery?"


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Just attended David Wolfe's Longevity Now Conference

Hi everyone.  I attended David "Avocado" Wolfe's Longevity Now Conference over the weekend.  Wow!  I took lots of notes and will share with you what I learned so stay tuned!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Food Revolution Summit

If you haven't already done so, visit the Food Revolution Summit.  John and Ocean Robbins are hosting this amazing summit with a wonderful lineup of guests.  Visit for more info.

I just became affliliated with Beyond Organic

I am so excited to be a Mission Marketer with a company that sells organic, raw, and living foods.  

Beyond Organic offers health and wellness solutions featuring leading-edge products and programs designed to help minimize toxins and maximize nutrition.  It rejuvenated the body from the inside out.  Beyond Organic offers a variety of products that cleanse and detoxify such as kombucha, milk thistle, holy basil, toxic-free skin and body care, raw and living snacks, pure mountain water, nutrient dense beef and dairy products shipped directly from their farm to your door.

Visit my website to learn more about Beyond Organic and learn how you can join as a preferred customer for only $19.95 per year!

Monday, February 4, 2013

High iron in your blood? What does it mean?

This topic hits close to home as both of my parents had/have high iron in the blood.  My father had both high red and white blood iron where he had to have a pint of blood removed each month. My father passed away from an aneurysm. My mother is on the border with a high iron count.  She monitors her iron intake every day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner.)   I recently learned that this blood disorder is genetic.

What is high iron in the blood?

High iron in the blood is most commonly caused by hemochromatosis, a common genetic disorder. Symptoms of high iron in the blood include fatigue, weakness and pain in the abdomen near the liver. This condition is manageable through prescribed treatments and drugs, but these can cause severe damage to the internal organs if not managed properly. If you have high iron levels, avoid alcohol, shellfish and nutritional supplements containing iron.


Increased iron levels can be a symptom of a wide variety of problems, including genetic disorders such as hereditary hemochromatosis, hemolytic anemia, multiple blood transfusions, a high dietary intake of iron and even alcoholism. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), high iron in the blood is usually caused by a genetic disorder where a person inherits a defective gene from both parents. The Mayo Clinic adds that middle-aged men of northern European descent are the most likely group to present symptoms of inherited disease causing 
high iron in the blood.


Fatigue is the complaint that brings most people who have high iron in the blood to the doctor. A person experiencing iron overload feels extremely tired all the time, has muscle weakness, may experience unhealthy weight loss, and will experience pain in the abdomen near the liver and in the joints. Since the symptoms for both high and low iron in the blood are similar, your doctor must perform laboratory tests to determine which extreme is causing your complaints.


High iron in the blood can be treated to make you more comfortable, but hemochromatosis is typically genetic in origin--so the disease will not go away. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) states that patients are often treated by removing blood from the body periodically to induce mild anemia. Some chelation therapies have been used with success, as well as eliminating iron supplements and reducing the patient's intake of iron-rich foods.


Patients who suffer from iron overload store the extra iron in their livers. Over time, this extra iron can cause liver damage--including cirrhosis. It is important to treat hemochromatosis as early as possible to avoid serious organ damage.

Home Remedies

Multivitamins typically contain an iron component, so ensure you know what yours provides. In addition, Vitamin C supplements are known to increase the body's absorption of iron, so both should be avoided.

It is recommended the hemochromatosis sufferers avoid alcohol because alcohol can damage the liver, creating a very dangerous combination. Raw shellfish should also be avoided to reduce the possibility of infections sometimes caused by consuming them.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Year, New You
A lot of people begin the New Year by making resolutions. We’ve all been there. We take a vow to lose weight, exercise more or spend more time with our family. We start the year with great intentions, but then we quickly relapse into old habits. Why is it so hard to stick to those New Year’s resolutions?
Here are some ways you can make your intentions or goals a reality this year:
1.     Write down your intentions or goals in a journal and create a vision board and keep them in a visible place.  Some ideas are attaching your intentions to your refrigerator door and/or the dashboard of your car.
2.     Get to the source of whatever is keeping you in a rut. Are you in a stressful relationship that causes you to eat a pint of Ben & Jerry’s every night? Are you stressed at your job and feel too tired to exercise after work?  If you don’t tackle the root of the behavior, it will be much harder to accomplish your goal.
3.     Be clear about what your life would look like once you achieve your goal. If you resolve to go to the gym more, how will this benefit you? Get connected to the result of your action, and you will be more likely to stick with your plan.
4.     Share your resolutions with friends and family. Hold each other accountable for achieving your goals. If you want to go to the gym more, have a friend call you two or three times a week to check on you or invite them to join you.
5.     Reward yourself with every little accomplishment. If your intention is to lose weight and you lose 1 pound a week, pamper yourself with a massage.
Big changes do not require big leaps. Permanent change is more likely to happen gradually than through one big restrictive plan. Allow yourself to climb the ladder one rung at a time.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Benefits of Roman Chamomile Essential Oils

Anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, calming, anti-infectious, anti parasitic, and relaxing.

Past Historical Uses: Roman Chamomile was used by Romans in battles to give courage and also clear the mind. The plant has a nickname as the plant physician because of the way it cures problems and ailments of plants in close vicinity to its location.

Possible Oil Uses: Roman chamomile essential oil can help the skins ability to regenerate, cleanse the blood, allergies, bruises, aids liver in rejecting poisons, restless legs, depression, boils, cuts, muscle tension, calming to the nerves, insomnia, acne, sensitive skin, eczema, dermatitis, rashes, fight fevers, soothe stomach-ache and toothaches. It can also help reduce hyperactive children, and nervousness in children.

Aromatic Oil Guide: Diffusing roman chamomile essential oil can combat depression, insomnia, and stress because of its calming abilities.

Oil Application:

  • Topically – It can be applied to the skin
  • Internally – It is Categorized as GRAS for human consumption by the FDA. You can take it internally by gel capsules. It can also be taken with food and beverages
  • Aromatically – You can diffuse the roman chamomile essential oil