Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The 7 Health Benefits Of Oil Pulling

Oil Pulling is one of the most simple things you can do to improve your health and help detoxify your body.

Oil pulling isn’t a new health trend that you are seeing, it is an ancient Ayurvedic ritual dating back over 3,000 years.

So what is oil pulling all about? 

What is Oil Pulling?

An ancient Ayurvedic ritual dating back over 3,000 years, oil pulling involves placing a tablespoon of extra virgin organic cold pressed oil (organic coconut oil is an option) into your mouth and then swish it around for up to 5 to 15 minutes pulling it between your teeth before spitting it out.  Don't swallow the oil as you will ingest the toxins you are trying to cleanse away.  Brush your teeth with an all-natural flouride-free toothpaste, and rinse your mouth out.

Why Oil Pulling?

With your mouth as the home to bacteria, fungus, viruses, and other toxins, the oil acts like a cleanser, pulling out the yukky stuff before they get a chance to spread throughout your body.

This cleanses the immune system, reduces stress, inflammation, and aids your well-being.  

Top 7 reasons for making oil pulling a part of your daily routine.

1.  Whitens teeth

Oil pulling reduces the need for chemical teeth whitening strips.  The oil possesses natural antibiotic and antiviral properties that brighten and clean teeth.

2. Increases energy

When our immune sytem is put to work in clearing out toxic waste from our body, it drains our energy levels.  Removing the toxins by oil pulling lowers the amount of work our body has to do to function, which leaves us feeling better.

3. Detoxes the Body

Germs in the body are much like poison causing inflammation and leading to disease/illiness. The mouth is the gatewy for contamination to spread to the rest of the body.  When removing the toxins before they get a chance to spread, the body undergoes a complete detox.

4. Aids hormonal changes

Hormones can function as they shoud, functioning to the best ability without being thrown off balance.

5.  Reduces headaches

When the body is under toxic stress, headaches and migraines occur.  This is nature's way of asking for some time to recover.  By eliminating bacteria or toxins from the body with oil pulling, headaches can be avoided.

6. Keeps the skin clear

Removing toxins from the body that would make it into the bloodstream means the skin has a chance to shine.  Rashes and skin issues often reduce dramatically and it some cases it can clear up completely.

7. Promotes oral hygiene

Oil pulling is highly effective at reducing tooth cavities and at eradicating bad breath.  It also aids with plaque-induced gingivitis.

When you start oil pulling, you might experience some of the positive effects immediately or it may take a few days or even weeks,  It will depend on your health condition.

11 ways to boost your lymph system for optimal health

Do you feel sluggish?  Do you feel pain? Maybe your lymphatic system is blocked.

The lymphatic or lymph system is a complex network of fluid-filled tubes that carries away toxins filtered through lymph nodes, which trap and neutralize harmful substances. Yet for the lymphatic system to move and deactivate toxins, our muscles have to be pumping.

The lymphatic system is a system made up of glands, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus gland, and tonsils.  It bathes our body’s cells and carries the body’s cellular sewage away from the tissues to the blood, where it can be filtered by two of the body’s main detoxification organs: the liver and kidneys.  This sewage is made up of chemical processes such as over-the-counter and prescriptions drugs, cigarettes, airborne pollutants, food additives, pesticides, and other toxins.

If you are feeling pain from injuries, excess weight, or pain disorders such as arthritis bursitis, headaches, and other pain, a sluggish lymphatic system may be playing a role.

In the case of chronic pain, post-surgery, or pregnancy—where little movement is present—blockage of the lymphatic system can compromise immunity and lead to further health problems due to an overwhelming buildup of toxins.

Here are 11 ways you can get your lymph flowing smoothly.

1. Take deep breathes.  Your lymph system relies on the pumping action of deep breathing to help it transport toxins into the blood before they are detoxified by your liver. So take a deep breathe of oxygen through your nose and breathe out the toxins from your mouth.

2. Movement.  Exercise ensures the lymph system flows properly.

3. Drink plenty of water.  Lymph fluid cannot flow properly without adequate water. Add some fresh lemon juice to help ensure the water is readily absorbed by your cells.

4. Eliminate soda, sports drinks, and so-called fruit “juices.”

5. Eat more raw fruit on an empty stomach.  The enzymes and acids in fruit are powerful lymph cleansers.  Eat them on an empty stomach for best digestion and maximum lymph-cleansing benefits.  Most fruits digest within a half hour or so. Note: If you have acid reflux or digestive issues, eat fruit with other foods.

6. Eat plenty of green vegetables.  Eating plenty of greens to get adequate chlorophyll helps purify your blood and lymph.

7. Eat raw, unsalted nuts and seeds.  Eating more nuts and seeds to power up your lymph with adequate fatty acids.  Choose from walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, macadamias, Brazil nuts, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds.

8. Add herbal teas to give your lymph a boost.  Drink herbal teas with astragalus, echinacea, goldenseal, pokeroot, or wild indigo root tea.  Note: consult an herbalist or a naturopath before drinking these teas with medication.

9. Dry skin brush before showering.  Use a natural bristle brush.  Brush your dry skin in circular motions, upward from the feet to the torso and from the fingers to the chest. Work in the same direction as your lymph flows – toward the heart.

10. Alternative hot and cold shower for several minutes. The heat dilates the blood vessels and the cold causes them to contract.

11. Get a massage.  Studies show that a massage can push up to 78 percent of stagnant lymph back into circulation.  Massage frees trapped toxins.

Other suggestions: maintain a healthy diet by eating whole clean foods and add meditation into your routine.


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thank you everyone who entered my giveaway!

Drum roll please...Prettypolymath won.  Thank you for entering and it is great connecting with you!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Win a Raw Coookie Book by Julia Corbett

Win a Raw Cookie Book by Julia Corbett by following my blog.

-  a collection of over 40 cookie recipes
– superfood ingredient descriptions
– unique techniques for raw cookie making
The Raw Cookie Book contains over 40 original raw cookie recipes, using healthy ingredients that are all gluten-free. Superfoods and medicinal herbs are infused into the cookies to create the most nutrient-dense treats with amazing flavor.
Julia Corbett supplies tips and techniques to make the most heavenly sweet treats you have ever eaten. She offers a conscious way to choose ingredients and delivers beauty in her sweets.
Cookie recipes like Chocolate Chip Cookies, Maple Walnut Shortbread and Wild Berry Jam Linzer Cookies are all filled with raw ingredients and it could be argued that they taste more delectable than their cooked counterparts. Try these and many more healthy and sustainable cookie recipes, deliciousness is waiting.
Follow my blog for a chance to win her book! Giveaway ends September 30th.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Health Benefits of Turmeric

 Turmeric root

Turmeric is one of the most common spices used in kitchen. It has got antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory as well as antioxidant properties. You can use this spice to treat the common cold, cough, joint inflammation, arthritis, bruises, acne, pimples as well as various stomach ailments. At the same time turmeric can also be used to prevent Alzheimer’s disease, to minimize liver damages caused due to excessive alcohol consumption or regular use of pain-killers and to disinfect minor cuts and burns. It has also been proved that due to its antibacterial properties, turmeric is beneficial in treating many types of cancer, most noticeably breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer and leukemia.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

My new eBook – Clean Eating: Guide to Clean Food Detoxing and Gut Rebuilding

Clean Eating eBook is a five-day kick-start guide to eating clean foods and gut rebuilding . This guide shows you how to add healthy whole foods into your diet without giving up what you currently eat. Included is a 21-day gratitude and food journal in my eBook so you can track how you feel after you eat each meal and to write what you are grateful for each day. My eBook also has chapters which highlight inflammation, anti-inflammatory diet, hemochromatosis (a blood iron disorder), the acid/alkaline connection, the top ten toxic cosmetic ingredients to avoid, and a section on the top indoor plants recommended by NASA to purify your home. This eBook shows you how to incorporate all aspects of your life (diet, exercise, relationships, career, spirituality, and self-care) to create a healthier, happier you!
Click this link to look inside my eBook.
Clean Eating eBook Cover - Amazon 07292014

David Wolfe's Women's Wellness Conference Friday September 19-21

The Annual Women’s Wellness Conference is Friday, September 19 through Sunday, September 21 at the Orange County Hilton in Costa Mesa, California.  David Wolfe hosts the Women’s Wellness Conference as well as the Longevity Now Conference.  Each year I volunteer at both conferences but this year I will be enjoying the Women’s Wellness Conference as an attendee.
This weekend’s conference speakers include:
  • David Wolfe
  • Dr. Roy Dittman
  • Donna Gates
  • Dr. Lissa Rankin, Keynote Speaker
  • Marianne Williamson, Keynote Speaker
  • Dr. Bruce Lipton, Keynote Speaker
  • Dr. William and Martha Sears
  • Tera Warner
  • Nadine Artemis
  • Dr. Sara Gottfried
Tweet me at if you will be attending the conference.  It will be nice to connect with other like-minded people!
Stay tuned for my updates from the conference on my blog as well as and

Sunday, June 15, 2014

7 most prescribed drugs and their natural alternatives

We don’t have to live in a medicated world, but we choose to. We want the quick fix so we continue our poor lifestyle and dietary habits. It doesn’t have to be this way, but it is.The crux of the matter is that we refuse to think about prevention because we reactively commit to treating the symptoms of underlying health problems.

Prescriptions for pain, cholesterol reduction, high blood pressure, hypothyroidism, antacids, antipsychotics, diabetes and antibiotics make up 100% of the most prescribed drugs.

Make a commitment to yourself right now and start incorporating some of these amazing foods into your diet with no consequence of side effects.

Check out the top 7 most prescribed drugs and the best natural remedies.

1. HYDROCODONE (Acetaminophen/Vicodin/Oxycontin)
Use: For Pain
Currently the single most prescribed drug in the world. More doctors are getting huge payouts from pharmaceutical companies to promote these hydrocodone, especially generic drugs. They make up more than 20% of the top prescribed medications.

How it Works:

It is an orally psychoactive compound that works as a narcotic and analgesic. It is biotransformed by the liver into several metabolites. It is highly dependent on metabolism by the Cytochrome P450 pathway.
Natural Foods:
Ginger, turmeric, berries, cayenne pepper, celery/celery seeds, cherries, dark green veggies, walnuts.

2. STATINS (Generic versions of Lipitor/Zocor/Crestor)

Use: Reduction of LDL Cholesterol

Approximately 15% of the top prescribed medications are generic statins. A study published in January 2012 in the Archives of Internal Medicine linked statins to 48 percent increased risk for type-2 diabetes.
There are no scientific studies ever documented which have proved through causation that lowering LDL cholesterol prevents disease. The obsessed culture of lowering cholesterol may actually be causing cancer.

How it Works:

Statins artificially lower cholesterol levels by inhibiting a critical enzyme HMG-CoA reductase, which plays a central role in the production of cholesterol in the liver.

Natural Foods:

Nuts, spinach, apples, turmeric, cranberries, tomatoes, green tea, fatty fish, beans, alfalfa herb, capsicum fruit, garlic, psyllium, fenugreek seeds, butcher’s broom, licorice root, hawthorn berry.

3. LISINOPRIL (Prinivil/Zestril) AND NORVASC (Amlodipine)

Use: Reduction of High Blood Pressure

In combination, Lisinopril and Norvasc make up a whopping 23% of the top prescribed medications. This makes them the most prescribed generic medications (if combined) for cardiovascular disease and blood pressure. Individually, Lisinopril constitutes approximately 14% and Norvasc about 9%.

How it Works:

Lisinopril is typically used for the treatment of hypertension, congestive heart failure, and heart attacks. Norvasc is used for hypertension and angina. It accomplishes this by inhibiting the influx of calcium ions into vascular smooth muscle and cardiac muscle so it essentially interferes with the metabolism of calcium.

Natural Foods:

Any foods high in vitamin C (chili peppers, guavas, bell peppers, thyme, parsley, dark leafy greens, broccoli), any foods high in magnesium (chocolate, green leafy vegetables, Brazil nuts, almonds, cashews, blackstrap molasses, pumpkin and squash seeds, pine nuts, and black walnuts) and any foods high in potassium (mushrooms, bananas, dark green leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes, oranges and dates). Coconut oil/water and CoQ10 are also very effective for lowering blood pressure.

4. SYNTHROID (levothyroxine sodium)

Use: Hypothyroidism

A synthetic form of the thyroid hormone thyroxine, generic Synthroid makes up more than 11% of the top prescribed medications. It’s used to treat hypothyroidism. The related drug dextrothyroxine (D-thyroxine) was used in the past as a treatment for elevated cholesterol but was withdrawn due to cardiac side-effects.

How it Works:

It replaces the thyroid hormone which is naturally occurring in the thyroid gland essentially halting natural production.

Natural Foods:

Any foods containing iodine such as seaweed, kelp, radish, parsley, fish, seafood, eggs, bananas, cranberries, strawberries, himalayan crystal salt. Also, copper, iron, selenium and zinc are essential in the production of thyroid hormones. Exercise a minimum of 20-30 minutes per day — enough to raise the heartbeat.

5. PRILOSEC (omeprazole/generic versions of Nexium)

Use: Antacid

A proton pump inhibitor which constitutes just over 8% of the top prescribed medications. Omeprazole is one of the most widely prescribed drugs for reflux disease (GERD) and ulcers internationally and is available over the counter in some countries.

How it Works:

It suppresses gastric acid secretion by specific inhibition of the gastric acid ions in cells. The absorption of omeprazole takes place in the small intestine essentially turning off the switch which promotes healthy digestion of foods. Omeprazole is also completely metabolized by the cytochrome P450 system.

Natural Foods:

Grapefruits, probiotics, broccoli sprouts, manuka honey, mastic gum, marshmallow tea, glutamine, slippery elm, deglycyrrhized liquorice (DGL), aloe vera juice, baking soda, pickle juice.


Use: Antibiotic

In combination, azithromycin and amoxicillin contribute towards a mind-blowing 17% of the top prescribed medications. Then we wonder why we have antibiotic resistance. On their own, each contributes about 8.5%. Azithromycin is one of the world’s best-selling antibiotics and derived from erythromycin. Amoxicillin is usually the drug of choice for children.

How it Works:

Inhibits the synthesis of bacterial cell walls and interfering with their protein synthesis. These drugs also inhibit the protein synthesis of good bacteria needed for immunity and proper digestion.

Natural Foods:

Sunlight (Vitamin D), garlic, coconut oil, turmeric, foods high in nicotinamide (Vitamin B3) such as salmon, sardines and nuts. Also manuka honey, olive leaf extract, green tea, pau D’Arco, rose water, myrrh, grapeseed extract, golden seal, oregon grapes, oregano oil, and probiotics.

7. GLUCOPHAGE (metformin)

Use: Oral anti-diabetic drug

Glucophage drugs round up the top 7 but the prescription rate of this drug is rapidly increasing. It makes up about 7% of the top prescribed medications. It is the first-line drug of choice for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, in particular, in overweight and obese people. It also acts to indirectly lower LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

How it Works:

By suppressing natural glucose production by the liver, the drug activates an enzyme which plays an important role in insulin signaling, whole body energy balance, and the metabolism of glucose and fats.

Natural Foods:

Black tea, Sunlight (Vitamin D), potentially coffee (more research needed), turmeric, nuts, chia seeds, green leafy vegetables, apple cider vinegar, cinnamon, red grapes, steel cut oatmeal, broccoli, spinach, green beans and strawberries. 90% of all cases of diabetes can be resolved by eating foods with a low glycemic load, and pursuing both weight training and aerobic exercise.


7 Ways to Minimize Your Exposure to Acrylamide in Food

What is acrylamide?

Acrylamide is a toxic substance that forms when foods containing simple carbohydrates and the amino acid asparagine are cooked together at high temperatures. A statement by the European Food Safety Agency said that acrylamide in food is both carcinogenic (potentially cancer-causing) and genotoxic (can damage the genetic material of cells), therefore acrylamide is very unhealthy. Unfortunately, if you fry, grill, toast or bake certain types of foods, or eat processed versions that already have been, it’s going to be pretty hard to avoid it completely.

Potato chips, french fries, burnt toast, and baked, grilled or roasted carbohydrate foods are the most likely to contain acrylamide. Levels appear to increase the more cooked and burnt the food is. The darker the toast, fries, crisps, cookies etc, the worse it may be for exposure to this potentially dangerous compound.

7 Ways to Minimize Your Exposure to Acrylamide in Food

A healthy body getting good levels of antioxidants in your meals and eating a variety of nutritious foods should be able to deal with some exposure to acrylamide, but it makes sense to minimize and where possible avoid some of the biggest sources ahead.

1. Cut right back on french fries and potato chips

These items are two of the worst culprits. They are damaging to your health and completely devoid of any redeeming nutritional qualities.

2. Avoid cooking toast until it’s burnt

Turn the toaster time down a few notches so the bread is only just toasted. If you do burn it, the best thing to do is throw it away.
Even if you don’t toast your bread, the crust will be likely to contain the highest levels of acrylamide and may well be worth cutting off your sandwich before you eat it.

3. Store potatoes in a cool and dark place if you’re going to roast, fry or bake them
This may help stop them forming too many simple sugars – the precursor to the formation of acrylamide. Soaking and then drying potatoes before using them may also help to remove some of the sugar content.
Research shows that boiling or steaming potatoes doesn’t seem to produce acrylamide like roasting, frying or baking does. This is a healthier way to cook root vegetables particularly steaming which also maintains the most nutrients.

4. Choose a lighter roast of freshly ground coffee if you drink it

Dark roasted instant coffee has been demonstrated to have very high levels of acrylamide. Lighter roasts may reduce, but not completely avoid exposure.
5. Stop smoking

The fact remains that this toxic chemical has been found in cigarette smoke. If you smoke, the other points on this list are even more important as the higher your exposure levels to acrylamide, from all the various sources in a day, the more risk your body cells are at of potentially cancerous changes.

6. Try to avoid getting the food too brown and overcooked

Try to avoid overcooking or browning your food especially if you are baking, roasting, grilling or frying carbohydrate foods like potatoes or wheat.  The longer the cooking time and the higher the temperature the more potential for acrylamide to be formed.

7. Take N-acetyl-cysteine

This supplement may help replenish your natural levels of the antioxidant glutathione, may have a specific protective effect against acrylamide in food, according to some animal studies. If this is the case, taking it with baked, fried or roasted carbohydrate foods may help to minimize any potential damage.
The best protection is to cut back on fried, roasted, baked and processed foods and add in better alternatives, like more steamed vegetables in your meals and nuts, seeds and fruit.


Monday, February 17, 2014

7 Simple Steps to Stress Reduction

Stress is the major producer of cortisol; therefore it is very important to reduce stress. Stress is also one of the major factors in causing many illnesses. Stress reduction is an important aspect in reclaiming and rebuilding your health and improving your lifestyle.
Add these simple steps into your daily routine.
  1. Stop thinking about the past. Stop regretting what happened in the past. If you are like me, sometimes you think of the past and wonder what you could have done differently. It is done. Learn from it and move on.
  2. Slow down. Don’t you notice that everyone is in a hurry? Take time to smell the roses and enjoy life.
  3. Avoid the unnecessary. Stop focusing on the things that aren't important and use your energy.
  4. Meditate. Breathe in the good air and breathe out the bad air.
  5. Exercise more. Exercising is a great way to reduce stress.
  6. Focus on your priorities. Understand what really matters to you and invest your time and energy into what is really important to you.
  7. Life is simpler than we allow it to be. Remember this saying: KISS (keep it simple stupid). Cut out the drama in your life and at work.
In summary, laugh more, stress less!